Monday, July 14, 2008

The day before

Well everyone,

I am finally feeling the excitement like nothing before. I have weighed, reweighed, unpacked and reweighed again all of my luggage and I think that I will be let on the plane. Just a suggestion to those reading my blog. Even the most unmaterialistic people have a lot of stuff. I was just watching a couple of episodes of Little House on the Prairie and they were wearing the same things in both episodes. I can only come to the conclusion they were trying to be authentic to the time period. Perhaps we too should reduce what we think we need. Truthfully. I don't think I'll miss the stuff I had to leave behind. Well at least I hope not. I did make sure I had enough underclothes which I think is non negotiable. Anyways, I'm so excited as to what God has in store for the the future. I would encourage you all not to think of the mission field as somewhere you go, but something that is all around you. God has called me to Peru but he could have easily called me to somewhere in the states. Do not forget that many of those around us are living unaware of a Mighty God who desperately wants them in His fold. Pray for me that I will be effective in sharing His truth and I will pray for you that you will be bold and share with others around you. For those of you reading this blog who may not have a personal relationship with Christ, I encourage you to get involved in a local "Bible preaching" church, find a Bible, not to mention send me an e mail because I would love to share the Truth with those who are interested. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that who ever believes in Him will not be condemned but have life enterally with God in Heaven. John 3:16 (paraphrased).
God bless you all!! Pray for safe travels, and Have a great summer!!!
Love ya, Court

1 comment:

Matt Andrea said...

Sorry I missed talking to you before you left. Hope you had a safe flight. Can't wait to hear about all your adventures when you get to Peru. We love you!