Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Well we had our first short week. Our next one is next week in honor of American Thanksgiving. I am so relieved and my kids were so ready to be done today. I got a special package from home which was like opening a Christmas present even though it was just vitamins and medicince. Well Flinstone vitamins. Oh and a couple of movies and candy (yes I shared) thank you MOMMY!! I am so looking forward to the break but less forward to the grading and planning. Maybe one day I'll just get inspired and do it, but who am I kidding I'm a procrastinator. Well God makes us each unique although we are still works in progress. I hope that you are all doing well. I am doing well and looking forward to some well earned sleep.


1 comment:

Shunshine Girl said...

This sounds like the Courtney I know and love! :o)